Monday, November 24, 2014

A.C.'s First Time Flying

July 13, 2014
Bill Antone promised A.C.that he would take him up in his plane once A.C. turned seven. Today he got to fly from Satanta to Sublette into the Fly In. It is where people with little planes all over the area get together for a meal and meeting.

Christmas Card Wanna Be

So...I really wanted to get a family picture yesterday since the weather was beautiful, but the hubby thought it would be a better idea to wait until today since we would be all dressed up for church. I forgot to check the weather first and agreed. Silly me...rookie mistake. I wake up this morning and the wind is blowing crazy and it is cold out. Wouldn't you know! We didn't get the pictures I wanted for our Christmas cards, but since we were all in cordinating clothes and hair all combed I had to get a couple of pictures as a family. Here is my beautiful family today....aren't they cute!?!

 This picture of LuLu is the first time she has had socks and real shoes on since the end of August! Way to go LuLu! She was so proud of herself as were we!
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sleep training Ti

So this last weekend Lynn took kids to Kansa City so it was just Ti and me. I decided it would be a great time to work on getting him on a sleep schedule. Saturday was hit and miss then I remembered a ebook I had bought when LuLu was little and I reread it. It is called Sleep Sense. It gave a schedule that shesaid was a good staring point. The biggest change was that I was to feed him as soon as he woke up and then play and then lay him down aroun1-2 hr of being awake. Ti took to it pretty well. He still stuggles relaxing for the afternoon naps, but I think that is because he is over tired. Sunday he took 4 30min naps. Which aren't long enough, but it's better than nothing. Hopefully those will lengthen. I put him in sleep sack, read him a story, listen to our lullaby and then tell him "night night, it's sleepy time". Most of the time I can then leave. Sometimes he will fuss for a few minutes and then he is asleep and other times if he really starts crying I sit beside his crib and reassure him. Sunday night he did awesome! 6:20 to bed, briefly woke at 4:00, but when back to sleep without eating until 7:15. Monday he actually took an 1hr and 20 min nap. That night he slept 6:40-4:00 ate and then back to bed until 7:00. Tuesday 6:30-12:30 ate and then back to bed until 6:30. So far so good! The main change is to not let him fall asleep while nursing and that his bed Is where he sleeps. He is learning that he can relax and go to sleep in his crib with Mr. Monkey.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Titus rolled over!!!

So even though I am a stay at home mom I still miss things. Yesterday I ledt to get a massage and Lynn was here with kids. When I came home he said, Titus rolled over and I missed it too! I went to check on kids downstairs and when I came back up he was on his tummy! "
I told him that today all day he had almost been getting there, but couldn't quite make it. Well tonight He slept really well. Slept for almost 4.5 hrs. ate and then slept another 5.25 hrs. He rolled over in his sleep and could get comfortable. He was swaddled so I guess no more swaddleling!:-( Yay Titus! We are so proud of you! Maybe we'll get to see his new skill tomorrow.

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Ashton's Kindergarten Graduation

Proud of you bubby! As fast as time flys, it won't be long and we will be at your high school graduation.

He did really well this year. Mrs. Parr noticed that he didn't seem as excited about school. She knew he was reading well so she pushed to be able to test his reading level. They finally agreed to let her test him and he passed with flying colors. He was at a reading level of 2.7-3.8. When lynn talked to librarian at end of the year she told Lynn it was even higher now but not to tell him. He did "walk to intervention" reading program with the first graders instead of with the kindergarteners. Mrs. Parr said this helped and he was excited again. He loves to read and it seems to just click. He loves to push himself at the top of his level. He is excited about first grade. I hope it challenges him a little more.

He did the after school program two days a week this year. Wednesdays so he could play and Thursdays because he wanted to play the violin and they had free lessons on Thursdays. He picked it up quick. At the talent show he played Hot Crossed Buns. He also started piano lessons this year. He likes to take lessons, but not real excited about having to practice at home for 15min/ day.:-) He has already passed what Lynn and I know which makes it hard to help him.

Its been a great year! Looking forward to the next one!
Congrats Ashton!

First day of kindergarten

Last day of kindergarten with a few less teeth

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Bath time!

Bath time! He loves his baths. It works pretty well to give him a bath in the big tub. I used a cloth diaper folded for a pillow. He loves to kick his feet to splash!

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Such a happy little guy!

Check out these smiles. He likes the exersaucer. I have to put a towel in front of him so he doesn't fall too far over, but it works:-)

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