Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sleep training Ti

So this last weekend Lynn took kids to Kansa City so it was just Ti and me. I decided it would be a great time to work on getting him on a sleep schedule. Saturday was hit and miss then I remembered a ebook I had bought when LuLu was little and I reread it. It is called Sleep Sense. It gave a schedule that shesaid was a good staring point. The biggest change was that I was to feed him as soon as he woke up and then play and then lay him down aroun1-2 hr of being awake. Ti took to it pretty well. He still stuggles relaxing for the afternoon naps, but I think that is because he is over tired. Sunday he took 4 30min naps. Which aren't long enough, but it's better than nothing. Hopefully those will lengthen. I put him in sleep sack, read him a story, listen to our lullaby and then tell him "night night, it's sleepy time". Most of the time I can then leave. Sometimes he will fuss for a few minutes and then he is asleep and other times if he really starts crying I sit beside his crib and reassure him. Sunday night he did awesome! 6:20 to bed, briefly woke at 4:00, but when back to sleep without eating until 7:15. Monday he actually took an 1hr and 20 min nap. That night he slept 6:40-4:00 ate and then back to bed until 7:00. Tuesday 6:30-12:30 ate and then back to bed until 6:30. So far so good! The main change is to not let him fall asleep while nursing and that his bed Is where he sleeps. He is learning that he can relax and go to sleep in his crib with Mr. Monkey.

posted from Bloggeroid

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