Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Baby Titus is finally here!!!

Titus Alexander Koehn born March 22nd 2014 @ 4:47 pm. He weighed 8lbs 4 oz, 20 1/4 inches long. Head was 13 1/4 ?

Birth story
I woke up at 5:00 with light contractions every thirty or forty min and lost my mucus plug. Got up around 7:30 and we went about our morning, ate breakfast, played fast track with whole family including Grandma Koehn. Contractions were closer to 10 min apart then. We decided to go ahead and get everything loaded eat lunch and head to Liberal and walk around Walmart until contractions were closer, but on the way contractions were two to four min apart. We decided we needed to go straight to hospital. We went by McDonald's and got Lynn an ice cream cone and then on to the hospital. We got to hospital a little after 2:00 and got checked in and monitored And checked. I was thinned 100% and dialated between a 3-4. Contractions got slowly stronger. I sat on my yoga ball while nurse Tasha put in all my info in computer and they tried to put in my iv saline lock. I warned them that I about passed out while they were trying to find a vein When I had Laynee. The other nurse blew out two veins on my left hand and wrist. I about passed out this time. They made me sit on the bed and breath. The nurse got another nurse in there annd got the lock placed  first try on my right side. They checked me again since contrations were getting stronger. I was at a 5-6. She let me walk around for a little bit. I used Lynn to slow dance with and he put pressure on my hips during contractions. Didn't take long when I had a longer stronger contraction and told Lynn I needed to get to bathroom to throw up. I new I was close to full dialation since the same thing happened with other two births.  Told Lynn to get nurse. I had her check me. I was at a 9. She had me hooked to monitor so I had to sit. Lynn kept getting me warm wash clothes from my crockpot of water and lavender oil to place on lower abdomen. It really helped with the pressure. After a while she checked me again and I was fully dialated and the bag was bulging. She let me go a little longer and said Dr. Knudsem could break my water and get that baby here.  Hind sight, I probably should have just let my body do its job but he went ahead and broke my water. I stood and tried squatting to shorten bith canal. My arms were getting sore or mumb from holding myself up on murse and Lynn.  Dr. Told them to set me on edge of bed so I could push better. When I pushed out his head I went horizontal and hips went up. I think this is when I messed up my tailbone. I only pushed for 30 min and then they placed little Titus in my arms. He latched on to nurse right away. We bonded while waiting to deliver placenta.  Titus was so quite except for the little cry when he came out he was so relaxed.  He was so precious lynn and I fell In love right away. It wasn't untIl that night that I realized my tailbone was in a lot of pain. 

That evening Grandma Koehn brought kids up to see their new brother. They were pretty excited and loved holding him! It was kind of funny though. We hadnt really heard him cry until the kids came in and he let out a holler as if to say " nooooo, you mean I'm not an only child?"  after kids and grandma left Travis and Michelle Leonard came to visit qnd brought me a fingernail kit to gut his sharp nails:-)  After everyone left the nurse qnd Daddy took you to give you a bath.

It was a long beautiful day!

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